Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sometimes My Husband..

makes me feel like shit. He is such a whiny little brat sometimes! He has been driving around a bag of clothes that has been meant to go to the Salvation Army for weeks. Weeks! Why? " Oh I thought you were supposed to look through them to be sure you don't want them". If I have not missed them in the WEEKS that you have been wasting gas driving that bag around - I DO NOT NEED THEM.

Today, he had to be a Big Boy and take three more garbage bags to the van to take to the Salvation Army (hopefully). He gave me attittude when I doubted if he would do it today. Right, because you ALWAYS take stuff the SA in a prompt, speedy manner. Yes. Yes you do.

Christ. I love him, but the babying he needs to function boggles my mind. It does not occur to him to put the bags away and file the receipts when he buys clothes, or even to put the clothes away. It would just sit there, a giant bag of junk he would pick though until I put them away.

He is just so easily miffed if he does not get the right mommying from me. SHUT UP.

Just get something done without whining, for once. Can you do that?

I walk around on less sleep than him, having done more exercise than him and he wants me to wipe his butt.

I do work hard. Sometimes I worry that he thinks that I am a lazy bitch.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you read your comments !! cuz I've given you an award on my blog. Come get it ! :)
