Monday, February 21, 2011

Weigh In Worries

I just feel heavy right now. I had two bags of WW popcorn yesterday and I know that I am retaining water like crazy. I feel heavy, as though if I weighed in, I would be up. I am going to exercise like crazy this week, but I worry that I am eating too much fruit. So far though, I love this program. I love the accountability. I love tracking my food. It feels like a good way to stay focused.

I keep weighing my career options. I have considered becoming a fitness leader. I do love to exercise and I could enjoy helping older people exercise. Frankly, becoming a personal trainer sounds impressive. I know that I should not aim for that, but sometimes it would be nice to have a career people had actually heard of.

I feel tired and worried today. What is going to happen with my life? I feel as though I spend too much time inside. I want to go out and live more, but how?

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