Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jennifer Hudson's Siren Song Lured Me

Well, I joined WW. I just wanted the accountability. So far, (Day Two) it has been going well. I like having a formula to follow instead of guessing. I also like having a definite weigh-in coming. We'll see.

My sleep has improved. I feel much better. Sometimes, as a SAHM, I find it really hard to know what to do. I often feel as though I have accomplished nothing each day. Some laundry, some housework,etc. I often feel guilty because I don't take the baby out as much as he needs. Then I take him out and feel guilty because the house is a disaster. It all feels like so much pointless floating through the day, mired in guilt because whatever I do is not the right thing.

I love my baby, but the constant mess, constant decision-making and worry about beinga good mother is exhausting. Am I raising a brat? Am I raising a kid that can't cope? Or am I raising a confident, healthy boy? What is the right thing?

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