Thursday, April 7, 2011


I had a bad morning. I woke up with my shoulder throbbing, feeling nauseated, cranky and craving carbs. So, I didn't binge, but I certainly ate alot. I went grocery shopping and was tempted by WW dessert treats, I had them in my hand. Then I thought, What if this passes? Hmm. So, I put them down and took my son to the park. The exposure to the sun helped alot. I came back feeling better. I still am struggling with self-hatred. So much self-hatred. So often feeling as though I always get it wrong. As though my family will always see me as unforgivable. That I will always be a loser. I just don't know sometimes. I struggle daily with depression and self-hatred so often. No matter what I do, I feel wrong and unlovable. On a positive note, I am eating a plate of fruit and vegetables and I plan to do a run later. If I had eaten those treats, that would not have been possible. The craving did pass. I can recover from being less-than-perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I battle the self-hatred, too. Not every day; but probably 25 days out of every month. And the other couple of days, I avoid mirrors & don't think about it.

    We're good people, dammit. How can happiness keep eluding us?????
