Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why? Pourquoi?

Well, I think that I binged because I was being too strict with myself. I was trying to keep my calories below 1500, then I ate some rice cakes and margarine. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Rice cakes are my trigger food. Then I felt sorry for myself, thought "I can lose it again" and went for it. Ugh. Tommorow I will post my weight. It won't be pretty.

I CAN get up again. I CAN start again. I CAN change.

1 comment:

  1. I have a tendency to binge too when I'm too strict on myself. It's the reason why I don't like saying that I'm dieting. Diet to me = restriction and restricting doesn't work well for me. So perhaps you could try that. Not think about dieting, but just be aware of what you eat. And just because you eat more of something than you should have, tell yourself that it's okay, it's not the end of the world, and there's no point to binge.

    Good luck with everything.
