Monday, March 7, 2011

Wicked and Wonderful

That was a line one character said to another in Shirley Conrad's "Lace". "You look wicked and wonderful". Then they embarked on a passionate affair. This is not the book you should read if you are thirteen and trying to figure out sex. One character's husband wanders into the bathroom four years into their marriage, puts on makeup, a dress and forces his wife into sex. Another character puts a goldfish inside a woman for a sexual thrill. Then, of course, there was the two characters who unknowingly commit incest. Of course I read this book fourteen times.

Anyway, I feel a little wicked and mostly wonderful. Today I put on a cute outfit and went out. It was weird to be around my old binge places and not feel utterly pulled towards them. I felt like a beautiful mama, not a dumpy stereotype. It was AWESOME.

Lifting is life to me.

My next posting will be my review of "Flowers In The Attic". I just could not get ENOUGH incest novels in my teens apparently. An excellent way to learn about sex. Yes, a rape scene between a brother and sister who have been living in an attic for four years.

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